Sunday, January 24, 2010

Something that took place in school.

Sunday 24 January 2010
I have always enjoyed Sports Day. Especially the sports day that was held last year. It was my first sports day as a Victorian and it was indeed a memorable and fun-filled event that had also taught me the meaning of respect and teamwork. Apart from the new environment and friends, I have discovered greater grounds for the meaning of respect and friendship. Sports day could be viewed as an arena for individuals to reap medals and gold but I have seen more than that in Victoria. Teachers were perpetually inspirational motivators who show the way for Victorians to excel freely. They coached and gave moral support to spur the students. Sport captain were elected and were delegated to assist their classmates to plan for sports day. Sports day 2009 was a successful because the whole school, including the teaching and non-teaching staff, has come together with the students to make Sports Day memorable. The school had directly become a big team who has cultivated teamwork to the maximum. Regardless of the levels of students or teachers and the other school staff had put their effort, love, and support to make Sports Day a memorable event especially for me. To me, teamwork means the hard work of a group of people to bring something together to success. But from Sports Day 2009, I have learnt more. I t was not only about hard work but love, compassion, friendship and support for one another. Despite it may be an arena for students to compete their talents on track, Victorians displayed somehow a kindles spirit and a sense of brotherhood amongst us. By achieving, regardless, of first place or another , it create a positive and healthy competition amongst the competitors but it meant greater teamwork between them and their classmates. Even by cheering for him is a mere action of teamwork. It is to express support. Nevertheless, teamwork would not be possible if it wasn’t for respect for one another. To work in a team and to achieve teamwork, one must respect others’ capabilities and opinions. He also has to be willing to accept diverse views. Respect also cannot be earned if one doesn’t respect the other. It is a two-way win-win situation. During the sports day, I admitted that I could not participate in any track events but I was not given up by my classmates. They, in fact, have whispered words of encouragement to boost my spirit. After all, it was an event to be enjoyed. Eventhough we did not clinch the title for best overall performance class for sports day, my classmates and I knew that we were already winners from the start. My classmates and I duly respect the result and were proud of the spirit of teamwork that we have achieved. This flame of spirit of teamwork will never waver as long as we are Victorians. And that will be forever.

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